Buy It Once

With non-stick cookware in the news this week (yikes!), we're seeing a lot of articles advising people to replace their pans every couple of years. This is a little plug for buying things you don't need to replace! 

When designing our Enameled Dutch Oven, we thought about why people toss old pots and repurchase new ones. Here are some of the features that give ours a long life in your kitchen:

  • No glued-on or screwed on parts. Our tight-fitting lid is cast in one piece with no knob to melt or come loose. Its unique design makes the pot and lid oven safe to 800°
  • The finish resists staining. The semi-gloss finish is easy to clean and will not develop an unsightly cook surface
  • No chips at the lip. We chose to season the lip of the pot and lid, eliminating the potential for chips at the contact point
  • Classic good looks. You're not going to find trend-driven color offerings from us that you might tire of or that won't match a new kitchen


In addition to looking great, our porcelain enamel formula is produced in the US and adheres to strict environmental standards. No non-stick coatings to wear away and leach into your food, no dangerous pigments, just cast iron and porcelain enamel.

And of course, our classic cast iron is built to last forever! It's naturally non-stick and guaranteed not to warp.


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